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Team News

Five GJTBS Attorneys Complete LADC Trial Academy

Attorneys Patrick Schepens, Jack Shelton, David Clarke, Tim Everhart and Jason Camelford have successfully completed the Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel Trial Academy. Participants hone their trial advocacy skills by learning from the best trial lawyers, trial judges and advocacy teachers, during three days of intensive “learning-by-doing” training. The program covers direct and cross-examination of fact and expert witnesses, laying the proper foundation, and how to present powerful and persuasive opening statements and closing arguments. All performances are digitally recorded and critiqued by a faculty of experienced judges, trial lawyers and advocacy teachers. Demonstrations and lectures complement participant performances. “We invest a lot of time, energy and resources in training our attorneys to be excellent advocates,” explains firm director Tim Hassinger, who served on the Trial Academy faculty this year. “The LADC Trial Academy offers a unique and challenging opportunity to further enhance one’s skills, and we are proud of our attorneys who successfully complete the program.”


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