ACT 512, which states that if a driver cannot provide proof of insurance their vehicle may be impounded, is now in effect statewide. Drivers in Louisiana should note that Act 512 repeals the 2010 law that prohibited impounding of a vehicle on a first offense, unless the driver posed an imminent threat to the public.
Also taking effect is ACT 824, which allows drivers to display electronic proof of insurance.
“Many insurance companies offer free electronic applications that display proof of insurance on smart phones, so motorists may want to familiarize themselves with these applications,” said Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon. “Motorists can also contact their insurance companies, and ask them to send electronic proof of auto insurance that can be displayed on a cell phone.”
While originals and copies of insurance cards and policies are still accepted as proof of insurance, the new legislation extends present law to include the usage of a displayed image on a cell phone, or other device, such as a tablet.