Appellate Law

The experienced trial lawyers at Galloway Johnson Tompkins Burr & Smith provide result-driven representation during litigation, but they know that appellate practice requires distinct skills and strategies. Our appellate lawyers go way above and way beyond in developing and delivering the right approach for each case.

Galloway’s appellate lawyers understand and know the business of our clients and have extensive experience representing individual and commercial clients before federal and state appellate courts across multiple jurisdictions. Clients partner with us to preserve previous victories or to successfully challenge adverse trial court decisions. 

Our lawyers have the expertise and background to identify, evaluate, and brief the issues clearly and concisely, and to present compelling oral arguments to achieve favorable outcomes. The Galloway team thoroughly researches, analyzes, and presents the facts with the client in mind throughout the process.

Our appellate lawyers successfully represent clients in federal and state courts, advising in a wide variety of cases that often involve complex issues and new or evolving law. Our diverse appellate practice includes cases across the litigation spectrum, including personal injury, insurance coverage, first-party property cases, construction, maritime, and transportation matters.


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