Henry M. Weber

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Primary Office: New Orleans, LA

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Henry  Weber 9429
Henry  Weber 9429



Henry Weber’s practice primarily focuses on bad faith litigation, insurance defense, professional liability, coverage, premises liability and personal injury defense. In recent years, Henry has represented different Lloyd’s syndicates in numerous residential and commercial hurricane/bad faith claims. In 2023, he participated in an eight-week secondment at Brit Underwriting Syndicate at Lloyd’s of London at their office in London. During that time, he trained with the property binders claims team and underwriters and gained considerable experience in the Lloyd’s Market.

Henry started his career as a plaintiff’s attorney, and it is this experience, coupled with later client representation in governmental entity defense, maritime law, health care compliance, and class action defense, that gives Henry a broad perspective to serve his clients.

When not at work, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Christina. Presently, Henry sits on the boards of Jewish Children’s Regional Service and Ahavas Sholem Cemetery and is fluent in several languages including Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Modern Hebrew.

Representative Matters

  • Successfully settled via mediation a seven-figure commercial hurricane/bad faith claim well below the initial demand and under policy limits.
  • Obtained a complete defense verdict in a negligence case against a local municipality, including an award of sanctions against the plaintiff.
  • Obtained summary judgment on the merits on behalf of a contractor in a wrongful death and survival action.
  • Obtained grant of a writ reversing the overruling of an exception on peremption grounds in a professional liability case.
  • Obtained and successfully defended on appeal summary judgment on behalf of a hotel in a premises liability case.



  • J.D., Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center
  • B.S., Mathematics, Tulane University


  • Texas
  • Louisiana
  • U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana
  • U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana
  • U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana
  • Louisiana State Bar Association
  • State Bar of Texas